Finished my literature exercise!

Tonight I am going to write in English, as you maybe already have notice :P
I'm doing this because I've been thinking and writing in English almost the whole day already so why not continue..? I was finished with my literature exercise 30 minutes before dead line and I am almost satisfied with it. Now there isn't so much more to do, but I really do hope that it will be enough for the grade E.

Tomorrow I am going to prepare for the oral presentation, which means that there will be one more day where I'll think in English. It is okay, but everything takes so much longer time..

I am very tired and need to go to bed soon but I'm stuck on the couch.. Outside the window I hear raindrops, which means that there still aren't cold enough for snow. It feels a little bit weird, but it's mostly nice. I do hope that there will be snow at Christmas Eve, but as far as I know there already is snow in Gnarp :)

Well, I have to sleep now. See you all tomorrow :)



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